The not-so-secret diary of Bing (aged 24)
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Moral dilemma (of sorts)
iPods (or other portable AAC playing machine)
FOR: I want one. I think they're quite handy to have, I don't need to lug a whole lot of CDs around with me in the car, and I already have the right type of computer. Most importantly, I can then study in the school computer labs with music (actual study music as well as the good old relax stuff), or at a desk that is not my own. It would also encourage me to walk more, and I could listen to sermons/bible readings/interesting speakers whilst I do it.

AGAINST: There are people starving in the world. I could think of a lot to do with $250-700 other than spend it on myself. And they're so... anal. So easy to get caught up in your own little world. I've also toyed with the idea of a PDA, which could play songs. But the one I'd want is at least $800 (href="http://www.palm.com/us/products/mobilemanagers/lifedrive/">A Lifedrive- from Palm). I could actually have a use for it outside of my own listening pleasure. Like having information at my fingertips. then again as I reasoned earlier this year, I can make do with a pen, my notebook and a piece of paper. Which leads me back to the iPod.

What would you do?
Sunday, August 27, 2006
A space filler
This went round last week. I felt like procrastinating. A match made in heaven.
(Thanks to Mel, Abbey and Carmi).

The way it works:
1. Put your iPod on shuffle (or in this case itunes, cause I don’t have an iPod)
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.

How am I feeling today?
After the love has gone- Earth Wind and Fire
Yes, maybe a bit lonely with all the study

Will I get far in life?
One day ahead- Eye TV. Well at least I come out a winner

When will I get married?
Juicy Fruit- Mtume. I have no idea on this one.

What is my best friend’s theme song?
Everyday- Hillsong United.
Man, haven’t had that “clap-clap” for ages. And who doesn’t like that- obviously not my best friend then huh?

What is the story of my life?
Colour of the Sky- Felt
Funny this song has always had a real reasonance for me
“I used to pray a lot, now I’m busy doing stuff for God…”

What was high school like?
Fever (Italie)- Elisa.
Um no.

How am I going to get ahead in life?
Travelling without moving- Jamiroquai
Sounds good to me

What is the best thing about me?
Jesus Freak- DC talk
No really, this is probably what I’d like to be, but am so not.

How is today going to be?
Glorious- Magnify
Most excellent song choice by the randomizer and a most excellent song title to describe today. What a way to start the morning

What is in store for this weekend?
Bliss- Th’dudes
Somehow I can’t see myself forgetting about the last one (beer) and getting myself another. Classic Kiwi though, so all good

What song describes my parents?
Offering- Third Day
Wow, what a song to describe my parents.

Your grandparents?
Elpo- Prince Tui Teka- I don’t even know what this song is about. Perhaps it refers to the speaking in a foreign language yet still being able to take a stab at the meaning

How is my life going?
How Bizarre- OMC
Too true, too true

What song will they play at my funeral?
Four Seasons in one day (New Buffalo- originally by Crowded House)- very cool song, I like it. All about having everything happen at once. (Actually this original choice was 48 mins of Rick Joyner speaking on “The Keys to Leadership”, an interesting funeral choice!)

How does the world see me?
Love Divine- Magnify

Will I have a happy life?
Part of me- Stellar*
Only a part happy life or is only one part going to be happy. That's a catch 22 choice. What would you choose?

What do my friends really think of me?
Holy moment- Martyn Layzell
No, really!?

Do people secretly lust after me?
Hey Porter- Johnny Cash
No, in fact, they’re just looking forward to getting back to the South

How can I make myself happy?
The Wanderer- U2 feat Johnny Cash
“Yeah, I went with nothing. Nothing but the thought of you. I went wandering”
That’s freakily true.

What should I do with my life?
Be quite and drive- The Deftones
Something I’m not unfamiliar with I guess

Will I ever have children?
Michelle- The Trainers (Originally by the Beatles)
Yes, either with Michelle (my belle) or a daughter called Michelle?

What is some good advice for me?
Get together- Wilson Phillips
Go, do it, now. It will change your life.

What is my signature dancing song?
Gather at the River - Point of Grace
Erm, sure why not “Gather at the rivers of forgiveness, at the waters of love"

What do I think my current theme song is?
Doctor Jones- Aqua
Make of it what you will.

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
This is the way- Melody Crystal- a real dance track- do I appear to be grooving?

What type of women do you like?
Alone- Bee Gees
Either women who are desperate, or those who can pull a good falsetto I guess. Or “somehow I always end up alone” (Sympathy aww here).

What kind of kisser are you?
The eyes of my heart- Tim Hughes
Eyes closed, yet open. Sounds pretty smooth, but I have no idea what this means.

What’s your style?
If I were you- Straitjacket fits
Yes, I’m a copier. That’s my style

What kind of lover are you?
Lift you up- Form
Hmmm? This is good yah?

What would be playing on a first date?
Do U Know Where You're Coming From- Jamiroquai
Honesty is important

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Free the people- Dave Dobbyn
Sounds good to me.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
A night at the Opera
Or, "Wannabe Critic"
Just got back from a performance of Gilbert and Sullivan's (G&S) "The Mikado" put on by the Wellington G & S society. I saw this show back when I was about 13 or 14 and really enjoyed it, so I was really looking forward to the show. I went with my friend Matt, and we trying to work out whether we went to the same performance of afore mentioned show all those years back or not. Finally, the lights went down and we sat with anticipation. And continued sitting for a solid 7 minutes whilst the overture was played. And about halfway through the first act- about where the main character was about to kill himself, Matt and I looked at each other and gave one of those "Oh that looks tempting" looks.

It wasn't that it was bad. It was definitely better than I could do. It just didn't seem to gel. The chorus didn't quite seem to work, although G & S is hard to sing at the best of times (its really fast), the "modernised lines" to satire current events- such as Michael Cullen's tax cuts were only occasionally satirical and some of the main cast were just hard to hear.

Oddly the funniest moments were some physical comedy of a tree and a seat being brought on stage, and some neat work by one of the supporting cast to make an exit, well funny. It was a little sad that one of the most played comedy opera's the biggest laughs came from some physical comedy. Matt actually commented that he was looking forward to the dialogue as they weren't singing. Of the cast, one of Matt's many acquaintances Kimberly Smith, playing Pitti-Sing and Chris Whelan as the Mikado stood out, with Vincent Wong as Pish Tush, Collin Williams as Pooh-Bah, Derek Miller as Ko-Ko and Jennifer Little as Yum-Yum all had some fine moments.

Also strangely, the photos advertising the production were not remotely like the production. Not the characters, not the costumes, nor the makeup. It was like they'd taken another production's show and stated it was their own.

So although it picked up in the second half, overall I left wondering what might have been. I know it's only an amateur production, but I'm sure that it could have been done better with more time. Probably one for the Gilbert and Sullivan afficiado's only.

Then again, what do I know? I haven't been in a show since I left school. Amateur theatre is hard, but amongst a lot of the chaff is definitely gold. I hope they improve from tonight, and show the gold that almost seems waiting there for them.

Also has anbody seen the new coins? My gosh they're small!
Life, its really all about God. From whom stems medicine, computers, family, community and on occasions sleep.

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