Wholly and dearly loved… yet forgotten (with thanks to Col 3:12)So its been a long time since I blogged huh? Kinda symptomatic of how I’ve been keeping up with my relationships now. They wax and wane, I appreciate them, yet I can’t seem to fulfill them all. I just got racked over the coals by a friend who I haven’t managed to reply to any of their emails all summer. Partly because I’ve managed to lose them in the mess, and partly because I just haven’t really had the motivation to say the same thing over and over to many different people. In saying that its not really an excuse. Anyone who takes the time to email you at least deserves a quick reply. If you’ve emailed me and I haven’t replied then I’m really sorry. I can offer no excuses, and I can only hope to be better at it in the future.
So yeah, last time I blogged, I kinda hinted at Sydney. A week over there with Mum and Andrew was great. I got to catch up with my family (My Aunty Linda and Uncle Ian, my cousins Stacey and Chris and my Uncle Michael and Aunty Margaret) and these two lovely ladies (I'm on the left).
Highlights apart from seeing all these cool people were
* going to the Sydney Fish Markets- so much variety
* caving in the Jenolan Caves in the Blue Mountains
* going to Port Stevens, which is this awesome area just north of Newcastle with white sand and clear water
* never really been one for shopping, but yeah buying new clothes was fun
* meeting Becs’ friends and seeing “her Sydney” (which you should all do whilst she’s over there.
*getting a cold and lying on my Aunt’s couch reading Andrew’s comics (cos I couldn’t handle books with lots of words).
I returned with my cold, which unfortunately delayed my painting efforts by a couple of days. But thankfully 130 hours after I started the fire escape is now finished. It looks way better than when I started. I’m quite proud of all my work actually. Not that I’m proud proud, cause that leads to a fall. And falling off the fire escape (bout 4 metres onto asphalt) would hurt.
And I should probably mention something bout Valentines Day. No, I didn’t get anything, but several friends of mine have recently entered into new relationships. Maybe it’s the weather, maybe cause it’s summer, I dunno. But they seem really happy, and that happiness is really infectious, even when you’re trying not to look for anyone and focus on God and your studies. It’s nice to know that romantic love is still happening somewhere in the world J.