Stealing Moments
Jesse (our old worship leader)once talked about stealing moments- the idea of just taking a minute tio talk to someone in your "acquaintance" group of relationships to build and grow those relationships. This just shows that they're important to you, even if your relationship with them isn't running at priority 1. I was reading over this sermon the other day and thought about how cool it was. Today I got taught a lesson on how it was done. I bumped into Pastor Mike and "stole a moment". It was amazing how just with a couple of questions an interest was taken in my life, and even though it is a technique, it doesn't work unless it's genuine. You feel really good afterwards. I really want to work on this more, becausei know that I can be a bit "snobbish" on occasion, cause I don't want to talk or what ever, which I guess isn't very good when there are heaps of relationships in my life and also being a leader. I don't have to be perenially happy, but do have to try share in people's lives.
Little Things
It's funny how little things can make your day:
i)This random chick just genuinely wishes me a "good morning" with a big smile. I felt amazing afterwards. There is such power in a smile, I must do it when I'm feeling good. Or do I choose to do it no matter how I feel? Don't want to be false about it, but do want to spread it you know.
ii)Dog in driver's seat, looking like they're the man. :)
Stealing Moments
Jesse, (our old worship leader, and now Youth Pastor at Hamilton ELim)talked about 'stealing moments' one time at church. The idea of showing someone they're important to you by stopping and chatting with them for five minutes or so, even if you're busy. This is mainly for people who go in the "acquaintance" box. I was reading over my sermon/journal book the other night, and was quietly reminded of this, and thought about how cool it was. Thing is, I bumped into Pastor Mike today outside New World, and we 'stole a moment'. I mean seriously, it was really cool to see how it was done, and i should try and do it more often to people who I know. You just feel, well really good that someone who you respect took sometime to be interested in your life. Even if you do know they are making a special effort to do it any way. Just goes to show you how little things can really make your day.
Speaking of little things...
i)This random chick just gave me this big smile this morning, and genuinely wished me a good morning. I must remember to (genuinely)try smile to people more often. Wow, it's so, uplifting
ii)There was this boxer dog sitting in a car outside work. It was sitting in the driver's seat lokking like" Yeah, I know what I'm about", or as the Emperor from "the Emperor's new groove" put it,"gettin' down with my bad self. Ah ha, ah ha."
It was my friend Lorryn's last day today at work. She's leaving her job in um, less than pleasant employment circumstances which I won't go into, but it does make me sad. I fully respect her cause she's such a fighter- Hubby left her when she was 6 months pregnant, and so now she's the mum of a busy six-year old. she sounds like she's still giving him every opportunity that I had, and all the boundaries. She also managed to hold down a full-time job and a bit of a social life. She isn't a Christian, but is a really neat person who I will really miss.
Sports news
"Team Asia" (Dan and Myself)beat "The Rest" (Dave and Becs)at Trival Pursuit in a tough-fought encounter. Oh yeah!