We'll try this again...
Ok, I was going to blog last night, but something came up that required my more immediate attention.
Let me start at the beginning....(well Friday)
Can't complain, finally chose which gene to use as a housekeeper, and took Thida to the airport. I felt pretty tired. Gus came back. Watched the Princess Bride, and then went to the 24 hour book sale with Abbey, Tabitha,Reuben, J, and Gus while everyone else watched Westside Story. Brought 8 books, quiet a few historical novels, including Ben Hur. That'll set me up for the while.
Saturday: Opened with a mission down to the lab, did a PCR and sorted some other stuff. Watched the Capping Parade from the window for the 3rd week in a row. Really looking forward to my own next year. Like actually CANT WAIT! Meeting with Abbey about prayer anbd outreach, inadvertantly (don't remember) saying something profound to her- which was used at Launch, yay. Played Laser FOrce in the combined life group event- was cool, but none of my guys came ;(. But neither did anybody else's, so we played Med vs the World (It was scary how many Medders there were. We drew 2-2- really good time, heaps of fun.
Steve Foss: (no he's not bigger than Saturday, but does seem to cover most of the weekend)This guy was arrogant, loud, offensive, crowd playing, and many other things that I could be critical of. Hoever, he had some serious anointing on him, and once you looked past Steve Foss and saw Jesus (his words, not mine)he was really cool, and really had a lot to give. It was also quiet cool how he actually encouraged you to come up and get prayed for, to attned the altar call, instead of the normal inviting- I do, think it made it less of an issue. Anyway, he talked about being bold with God- that the violent take it (the kingdom of heaven) by force. Basically not being a wuss when it comes to asking for stuff from God, which he has already given us anyways. Josh Brown also scored $20 in the analogy of this- he only had to jump the preacher to do it. Ended up being prayed for, falling over, and finding that my elbows no longer worked and my arms were straight up in the air- an interesting predicament for God to place me in. I'm not sure what to think of being"slain in the spirit, except that I know that happens, especially to me. I can't really explain it, except that it is very cool. Tried to get to bed earlyish to avoid sleeping in for school of Leaders.
Slept in for school of leaders and made Sam and Dave late. Bugger. Learnt about faith and conflict resolution, which I found quiet useful to think about how I handle certain situations. Steve Foss talked about being a carrier of God's glory, and how those people who carried it would aid bringing about the endtimes, refering to the colt that carried Jesus to the last supper as an example of God not wanting anyone who had been "ridden" by someone else, and how God could restore people, just as they washed and reoiled old wineskins (another bible ref if you didn't know.)
Sunday afternoon was spent cleaning Kitchen, room, and picking up Thida from the airport. Whooop.
Sunday night, was church and Steve Foss again. He talked (and occaisionally yelled)about Tall poppy syndrome and keeping the church poor. He also talked about his vision of Angels.quiet interesting, but I won't talk about them here. Also talked about the two faces of religiousness: living to the law, because it's the law, and also lawlessness because we're "free". It was very challenging, and made me wonder whether I was trying my best to live as good as I could. Note that it was my best, not what others thought- hmm, possibility of eccentricity perhaps? That's ok, first year 80 was a bare pass for because I knew it was what I could achieve if I just did the work, but 90 would have been much better, and it did feel like I'd achieved something.It was also interesting, because during one of the many altar calls- I can't even remember what it was for, I kinda stumbled up to the altar and collapsed on the floor. I then felt God start to speak to me about outreach and how it was pretty lacking in Cutting Edge. Not cool seeing I'm in-charge of it. Didn't really feel like it and its still something istruggle with, but we had a good time, very productive. During another time of prayer, I think it was the last one, God decided to have some fun. So I'm standing there and all of a sudden I start to laugh, well giggle. I kept giggling, and couldn't really stand anymore. So i rolled around on the floor for about 20 minutes pissing myself laughing. I actually couldn't stop. I was the weirdest thing. Even after the music stopped, everybody had walked away from the altar, I kept laughing. I knew what I was doing, but couldn't control it. I think Steve Foss was trying to say something really serious about money, and I did try to stop, but , um, yeah. Another instacne of being slain in the spirit- or as one person told me, drunk. And it was quiet a similar experience. You just laugh at stuff, anything really set me going. I couldn't walk straight, talk properly (poor Ronald and Abbey), Sam started abusing it by telling bad jokes- ahhh it was good.
I can't or don't understand it, but that's what happened, and apparently happens quite often to different people at different times when they've experienced the spirit of God. Man, he's loco. It wasn't even like I was being tickled, although I did wonder if this was what it was like to be Tickle-me-Elmo. Most strange. I've seen it happen before, happened to Rach Barnes last year at 1PM. She took one look at me and started laughing. I know, it's because I'm funny... looking, but seriously, she could give no account for the laughing except for God.
Monday night was about sin, holiness and restoration, which were also cool, but (in someways thankfully) not quiet so spiritually impacting. Good application though. I've been struggling heaps with fitting in my quiet times to everything else. So I prayed "Jesus be Lord of my time- these are important to me." And it just kept reasonating in my head- "Jesus be Lord of my time", "Jesus be Lord of my time" --->"Jesus be my time"
and then it hit me. If Jesus is my time, then everything fits around it. That probably doesn't mean much to anybody else, but it makes sense to me. Which I guess is more important. There's now a new picture on my wall, of a clock, with the word "Jesus" on it. To remind me that He's my time.
At the end, Steve said he wanted to pray for the youth, and to those who feel called into endtime ministry. It sounded cool, but I felt God pull me back. I didn't understand, but stepped back, not forward. It sounded like what I was meant to have, but wasn't. Then, while he's praying for apostles, I felt the Holy Spirit hit me anyway. This confused me lots- really really confused me, but I do have soem idea of why. Apostles are meant to be the builders and planters of things, to lay foundations from which others build the kingdom. I'll come to this later.
So that was Monday.
Tuesday, I had Lunch with Dan- we had Indian, and a great time just planning how and what (reverse these!)we were going to do. Basic answer Love people, and show the people in our life group how to do the same.
Then went back to the lab to do a bit of work, then left again to go to Launch. I'm actually surprised how far my project has come this week seeing how full my life's become (according to blog length anyway)
(Bah!, who's graffitied "badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, mushroom, mushroom on my calendar?!)You make me a ANGRY PANDA!!!
Anyways, Launch was well hard.
Just a real feeling of discontent about what we're not doing, and most of it fell into my area. It was crazy just how many people fekt the same way. I felt horrible, and even after a little prayer, which turned into something else, I still felt pretty discouraged. I offer no excuses, but can offer to try amend. Went back to the lab, finished of some stuff, needed to be alone, but shouldn't have been. Started just feeling really down, and yuk. Thankfully Rach texted me with a med question, and made it a little easier to keep my mind off stuff. By the way, does anybody have a definite answer to why binge drinking causes Atrial fibrillation?
Anyway, I haven't cried in sadness in ages, and even when I;m sad I don't think that I cry (much. but man, can I turn some stuff over on the inside. Thankfully good flatmate (who I approach, rather than those who can read my mind or my body language- very useful skill that, being able to disappear and snob people when down) was there to shut up and listen. cheers boss.
And now I'm here. cold, a little more peaceful, and rembering the fact that I'm meant to be building platforms for Cutting Edge. So better go and call people, see if they'd be keen to get amongst it and do something. The best way to learn stuff. the best way to become something.
P.S. 1PM so rocked today!