I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell
I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell
Um, so I realized that I mihgt have a wee addiction to freecell. I've currnetly played 207 games, probably somewhere near 30 or so in the last day. So I'm taking a break. I'm not going through withdrawl symptoms or anything.
I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell
[Isn't cut and paste great ;) ]
So it's like Thursday but it feels like Monday and tomorrow's Friday, but it feels like its Tuesday- then it's Saturday and that will just bve weird cause my family will be down. Long time no see, so it will be cool. Don't know what we'll do though. Should be good none the least. This is kind of a muse so I can avoid doing this:
I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell, I shall not play Freecell
I should really do something productive. I've noticed that when I'm on holiday, I don't really catch up on anything or do anything productive. I think I'm gladto be back at work, even if it did take ages to set up that experiment today. Ah well, I got to see Scoobie Doo 2 tonight with Becs, to use up my MovieMax card- it was pretty light, I think I needed light. Then got to wathc Lion King with J and Rach (who was also playing guitar with Sam)So my current mental age is about 7, but that's all good.
Social cell was good last night, played Risk, lost both times, but survived till the end of the secondone after Sam and I basically had no countries left. I was SOOOOGOOOOD to hang out with people. I wish I could do it more often. Oh well, I guess I do have to pay the price and invite people. Kinda like playing the guitar- haven't done it in so long. Am I still willing to pay the price? I don't know. Maybe I'll have more time now that I'm no longer playing Freecell. Although Starcraft is going pretty well at the moment....
Oh and Dave, where else would you take people you meet in Health Sci? Just kidding